Friday, July 24, 2009

By the way, click on the fishtank water to feed the fish.
What if you know that everything you're doing is a hiding place? You know that your life is pretty average, normal-good as opposed to normal-bad. In fact, you're fitting in pretty well with the madding crowd. Okay that's scary! You never meant to fit in. But if you get any more normal, you'll be indistinguishable from the crowd. Baaa.... You have no way of doing what you really want to be doing, and you have feelings about things that are as they are. The feelings won't change and the things don't change, so you do other things to hide from the unchangeable things. Complex, huh? So all the experts say it's not healthy to hide. What's the alternative in this situation? It's not over until the fat lady sings. (Who said that first? And who is the fat lady anyway? And how's her singing?) So she hasn't sung, and is highly unlikely to ever sing. It'll never be over. There are lots and lots of hiding places. Now you see me, now you don't............

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sometimes you think you're getting butter, but it's not all butter. Some of it is water. Sometimes you think you're getting mayonnaise, but it's not all mayonnaise. Some of it is water. My Dad thinks he's getting all margarine. Some of it is water. A lot of it is water. You paid for all butter. You paid for all mayonnaise. You didn't know you were paying for...water. The water makes the popcorn a bit soggy. The water makes the toast a bit soggy. The water was pretty expensive, too. The water didn't really lower your cholesterol, it just made things.....soggy. Don't you wish butter was butter and mayonnaise was mayonnaise? All mayonnaise? Don't you wish you could just enjoy the toast and the popcorn and things wouldn't be, even a little bit, soggy? Wouldn't it be nice, when you read the label, it didn't lie? It just said what it really is? The picture was really true, all butter, no water, pure butter, man. What you see is what you get. What you pay for is pure and real and good for ya. Your cholesterol would lower itself, just knowing that it was all real and good. And true. Not filled with....something else that was sneaked in, pretending to be butter. Then it sneakily makes you soggy. I do. I wish butter was still just butter.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

2% of Persons.........

WHAT the h e dbl. hockey sticks is up with Facebook?? Wow, I hate it! I made the mistake of opening an account, hoping to get in touch with someone who has "no time to e mail". But DOES have time to...Facebook. So Facebook is a verb now?! Check the dictionary, folks. So I guess this means I'm one of the 2% of persons who isn't head-over-heels for Facebook. I was one of the 2% of persons who couldn't use dental anaesthetic! Yeh. That was a bummer. Well, this Facebook allergy; dyslexia; fear of being controlled by the Illuminati?......whatever it is that causes Facebook to NOT work for it a bummer or is God protecting me? I wonder if the 2% of us should start a movement. Stop using electronic "communication" devices altogether. Stop using fad words, like "bummer" and "gross". Or whatever the latest fad words are. Stop using old words for stupid new meanings, like "facebook" as a verb. Or "text" as a verb. How about "texting"? "Texted". I've heard that one. Makes everybody sound like they use English as a second language. Oh wait, the ESL persons actually use CORRECT words in CORRECT spaces, because FAD words MAKE NO SENSE. Oops, rabbit trail there. My point is, I hate Facebook. I hate that everyone's on it. Why are they? I hate that it doesn't work for me when it works for literally BILLIONS of other people. But why should I? (Because those persons who have no time to e mail also have no time to write on paper, or call on the phone.) I hate how it has everyone in its insidious control. E mailing is too slow now! Who writes a paper letter? (Thanks for the one you sent last week, my #1 son.) Who calls? Who can spell? Who can speak correct English? Or Cantonese, even? No doubt they have text symbols in Cantonese as well. Yeah. I'm thinkin' about serious rebellion here, folks. I may just sell the ol' PC and go back to snail mail and on-phone conversation. Scary.