Wednesday, July 1, 2009

2% of Persons.........

WHAT the h e dbl. hockey sticks is up with Facebook?? Wow, I hate it! I made the mistake of opening an account, hoping to get in touch with someone who has "no time to e mail". But DOES have time to...Facebook. So Facebook is a verb now?! Check the dictionary, folks. So I guess this means I'm one of the 2% of persons who isn't head-over-heels for Facebook. I was one of the 2% of persons who couldn't use dental anaesthetic! Yeh. That was a bummer. Well, this Facebook allergy; dyslexia; fear of being controlled by the Illuminati?......whatever it is that causes Facebook to NOT work for it a bummer or is God protecting me? I wonder if the 2% of us should start a movement. Stop using electronic "communication" devices altogether. Stop using fad words, like "bummer" and "gross". Or whatever the latest fad words are. Stop using old words for stupid new meanings, like "facebook" as a verb. Or "text" as a verb. How about "texting"? "Texted". I've heard that one. Makes everybody sound like they use English as a second language. Oh wait, the ESL persons actually use CORRECT words in CORRECT spaces, because FAD words MAKE NO SENSE. Oops, rabbit trail there. My point is, I hate Facebook. I hate that everyone's on it. Why are they? I hate that it doesn't work for me when it works for literally BILLIONS of other people. But why should I? (Because those persons who have no time to e mail also have no time to write on paper, or call on the phone.) I hate how it has everyone in its insidious control. E mailing is too slow now! Who writes a paper letter? (Thanks for the one you sent last week, my #1 son.) Who calls? Who can spell? Who can speak correct English? Or Cantonese, even? No doubt they have text symbols in Cantonese as well. Yeah. I'm thinkin' about serious rebellion here, folks. I may just sell the ol' PC and go back to snail mail and on-phone conversation. Scary.

1 comment:

  1. Oh good grief. What a whiner.
    I fixed your facebook thing. Go online. sheesh. Everyone is on facebook because everyone is on facebook. It's the ultimate way to see what people are up to without actually having to talk to them! No, seriously, it's the same as email except better - it loads faster, and you can chat with whoever's online at the same time, and you can send people video clips or songs, and you can look at everybody's pictures and make comments... You can find the people from your past life and find out what they're up to!
    That being said, I do not use "facebook" or "text" as verbs. And I check my email as often as I check my facebook - more often, in fact; however, I wouldn't have to if you would just stop griping and message me on facebook like everybody else. Oh! you can even blog on facebook. Just like I discovered the merits of an edger, and you discovered the handiness of a sod-lifter, one can discover the simple do-it-all tool that is Facebook.
    That, or it's actually like that episode of Star Trek the Next Generation when that evil alien race gave one of the crew members that game device, remember? It was a headband that showed little trumpets in front of one's eyes, and one had to maneouver little disks into the trumpets with one's mind. and it turned out to be an addictive device that was slowly brainwashing them all! And Wesley and his girlfriend kept trying to avoid the game because they knew it was bad but the captain finally caught them and forced them to play it! And Data finally saved the day. Maybe Facebook is like that.
