Saturday, May 9, 2009

What is it about patience? I seem to have a good amount of patience with elderly folks... I don't seem to have enough patience with average age folks. Or bratty little kids. Why is that now? I have greater levels of patience with handicapped persons of any age. Unless the handicapped person is a jerk. To my way of thinking, just because you're handicapped doesn't give you jerk privileges. Or just because you're old doesn't entitle you to be a jerk. Or if you're hung-over... Yeah, I have zero patience for hung-over persons of any age! Seems like it's all about attitude. Not mine, theirs. For instance, if a person is on say, painkillers, for legitimate pain relief, then I have a greater degree of patience, because I know they're having unusual symptoms from A. the pain and B. the meds. But if the person in pain is just a whiner who doesn't do the exercises which move him toward recovery, well, I say, suck it up Suzy. Don't whine to me! I have no patience for a non-trier. The specific example that got me online about this is persons who are NOT elderly behaving as if they WERE and expecting something extra from me, because they've chosen to adopt elderly behaviorisms in a non-elderly body and mind. Can't cope with that! Minimal patience in action there. See? Attitude. I still perceive my dad as a younger man, although he perceives himself as elderly-ish, and he IS over 70. So I have to remind myself that he's legitimately old. Er. Old-er. Not OLD. (Good thing Dad doesn't read this!) Attitude. Perceptions. His, and mine. When do we begin with patience? What about persons who don't take care of their health, consequently experience ill health, and then expect increased levels of patience on my part? "Care for me, now I'm ill." Well gee. You brought it on yourself, now I have to bear the consequences? My patience falters. What about Tough Love? Is it best applied before or after? Actually, I don't know if I have the patience to discuss that at this moment. Wow. What an attitude!

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