Saturday, April 4, 2009

Just Do It

Dear friends, I am about to give you a garden tip of paramount importance! (Is that a double invective?) For 2009, whether you enjoy eating them or not, PLANT PARSNIPS. Last week, here on the Cold Windy Water, I pried out a huge parsnip from the icy bed. Today, I harvested the entire crop, because the poor things were trying to reproduce! (After all, they're in bed.) Let me impress upon your garden psyche a most indelible imprint: The wonderfully satisfactory swelling of emotion as one pulls a fresh, eatable product from one's own garden in April.... I have found no match in my personal historical archive of gardening emotions. (Notice the word "archive" has the word "chive" within? Mmm...) As I mentioned to my daughter, the feeling is akin to the sprouting of Spring radishes, the uprooting and munching of same, except the Parsnip Pleasure is measurably more marvellous. And upon that most excellent phraseful of alliteration, I leave you for today. Plant Parsnips and be Pleasantly Uplifted. Next April.


  1. I agree. And they're tastier after winter over too. They get sweeter.

  2. To Parsnip Commenter,
    For 3 days now I've been eating fresh, sweet parsnips twice a day. I roasted a bunch, and just keep using them up. Oh my heavens to Betsy, are they yummy! And, I saw a teensy bunch of short, anaemic-looking ones in the store, taped into a plastic bag, maybe six of them, or five, for $3.00! Yep.
