Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The time has arrived to begin the garden orders. My suggestion is, if you can afford it, order two more of each. (This is my philosophy with adding spice to the soup as well.) If you think one will be yummy, three will be perfect. Five might be too many....... RESIST! Resist, I say, ordering from the Spring Garden catalogue! I have known several people in several provinces who have had several disappointments. Except for the one plant which my friend's mother was so disgusted with, she chucked it as far as she could. Of course, that's the one that grew. Perhaps less care is better than more? Keep in mind to order bulbs from Vesey's in Prince Edward Island this spring, and ask for the order to be put on the Blue Lake Vacation Bible School order. 50% of the price is donated to the camp, which then sponsors kids who otherwise can't afford to go to camp. That's my plug for the day. If you can't afford two more of everything, buy seeds and start 'em in the see-through salad containers from Wendy's. Yep. Dandy little micro-climates these are. Poke a few air cracks in the lid. Remember, bottom heat usually works best for most seeds, until their heads poke out of the soil. Ack! Open the lid on really sunny days! That's my enviro-hint for the day. Use Damp-Off. It stinks, but it's worth it. Many are the seedlings I've lost because I thought I need not worry about this plague. Even in the dry air of Alberta! Hard to believe, I know. Don't start your tomatoes too early, and give them lots of light. That's my slow-down caution for today. For all you kindred spirits on PEI, take heart! This too shall pass, said the lion as he swallowed the mouse. Bye for now........

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